It’s not too late to sign up for South Carolina’s 11th Annual Chili Cook-Off!
The Chili Cook-Off will take place on Saturday, May 15, 2021 at the Belton Community Center and is sanctioned by the International Chili Society. On Sunday, May 16, the Belton Community Center will also host the 4th Annual Kegs and Eggs Chili Cook-Off.
Officials are encouraging both amateurs and professionals to participate in both events.
According to their social media, “there are three requirements for competition:
- Membership in the International Chili Society (memberships are $10 for one
competition; $25 for three competitions; and $45 for a year’s membership)
- Register and pay entry fees for categories ($30 Red Chili; $30 Homestyle; $30
Chili Verde; and $20 Salsa). You can compete in all categories or only one and for
both days or choose a day.
- Participation and cooperation with all rules and regulations the day of the events.”
While the public is not able to attend this year’s events, it is a great opportunity for cooks around the state to show off their skills in the kitchen.
Click here to learn how you can participate!