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College is right around the corner! Bring on a new environment, new school and new friends! Finally, you have the freedom to be on your own and without mom and dad by your side, it may be more of an adjustment than you think! With so many new choices and opportunities ahead of you it’s important to find what works for you. You’ll discover a lot about yourself this year and with these pro-tips you’ll be on your way to a great college career:
1. Go to class, no if’s, and’s, or but’s.
You (or your parents) pay or those classes. Let’s say you go to one class, three days a week, for 16 weeks (about 4 months), this class cost about $1500. That means one day of class is about $40. Skip one class, waste $40. Not only will you be wasting money, but who knows if your professor gave out extra points for attendance or maybe a big hint for the upcoming test!
2. Join a club, or two!
You probably don’t know anyone on campus, so grab your roommate and go to club meetings and organizations. Usually the clubs will give out free food, t-shirts, or cups.
3. DO NOT leave your clothing in the washer after the time is up.
Believe it or not, someone will remove your clothes, hopefully they place them on top of the washer for you to pick up, but do you really want to take that chance?
(Pro tip: find the time of day people don’t usually wash their clothes, and do yours then.)
4. Be honest with your roommate.
Nothing is worse than living in an uncomfortable situation. At the beginning of the semester, talk to your roommates and lay out some ground rules for a drama-free year! Be open with each other about your feelings on visitors, cleanliness, sleep schedules, and sharing personal items. No one likes a passive aggressive roommate, so always remember that communication is key.
5. Find a good study spot that isn’t your bed.
Nothing is worse than needing to study for a big test and falling asleep in the process. Find a spot on campus or off, that’s a relaxing (but not too relaxing) for you to focus.
6. Get a calendar, you’ll need it.
It may be old school but it works, put it on the wall and write down when all of your tests and important dates are. If your not into wall calendars, use your phone calendar or download an organizational app!
7. Go to every single career fair.
There is nothing wrong with getting your name out there and networking! It will take you farther than you think and show future employers you’re really interested.
8. All the stuff you bought for your dorm probably isn’t necessary.
It’s great to be stylish but don’t forget functionality is key! A dorm room is a small space, so skip the unnecessary clutter to make the most of what you’ve got.
9. Find out when registration for next semester is.
You’ll want to have your schedule made before the registration date so that when the time comes you will get the classes you need, the professors you like, and the time slots that work best for you! If you wait until the last minute, you might find yourself stuck with that 8am accounting class you’ve been dreading!
10. Get out of your comfort zone.
This is really the epitome of what college is all about. Explore campus, try new things, take up a hobby, whatever it is that you have always wanted to do. And don’t be shy when it comes to striking up a conversation with another student, chances are they are probably looking for friends just like you are! This is your chance for a fresh start, so take it all in and enjoy the ride!