To mask or not to mask, is no longer the question. This month, several SC cities are pushing to mandate that all citizens need to wear face protection in public.
The Charleston City Council approved a face mask ordinance which began being enforced on July 1st. The ruling mandates that all citizens must wear face mask protection when entering any retail or restaurant establishment. This movement caters in an attempt to keep businesses open.
Greenville Online shared a sign posted at the door of a CVS Pharmacy on Main Street. “Face masks are required by law. When you wear a face mask, even ones made from cloth or common household items and materials, you promote your own safety and that of our colleagues and other customers,” the sign read. The response to these changes has been both negative and positive.
With 30,263 confirmed COVID-19 cases statewide, SC has officially become a hotspot this summer. Some say these cases came as a response to establishments re-opening too quickly.
“The state cannot mandate everyone to wear a mask,” says Governor Henry McMaster on the issue. “It is ineffective, impractical, and unenforceable to have a statewide mandatory mask requirement.” McMaster did plead for citizens to start wearing masks. As of now, there are no further plans to lift restrictions on establishments that facilitate large crowds.
With cases still rising, we haven’t heard the last of the mask debate. But, it is difficult to say whether or not we will see any permanent legislative changes regarding the wearing of a mask.