Image Source: Tech2
This year there will be a total of six eclipses around the world but on January 20, we’ll get to experience not just any ordinary eclipse. This will be a Super Wolf Blood Moon eclipse and it will be visible from Charleston.
Wondering what makes this eclipse so special?
On January 20 a lunar eclipse, which happens when Earth is between the sun and the moon, will take place during a supermoon. A supermoon means the moon is at its closest point to the Earth. Pretty cool, right?
The lunar eclipse will start at 10:33 pm and the moon will reach its highest point at 11:41 pm reaching total eclipse status. During the total eclipse, the moon will have an orange-ish/red-ish tone to it which is where the ‘blood moon’ nickname comes from. The total eclipse will only last for about an hour so be ready.
Now that we know what makes this a super blood moon, we need to know why it’s a Super Wolf Blood Moon. The January full moon is known as the Wolf Moon but why it’s called the Wolf Moon is debated, some say it originated from Native Americans while others say it comes from the Anglo-Saxon culture. However, wolves are known to howl more during the early months of the year, so January and February are often associated with howling wolves.
So, this conjunction of astronomical events – a lunar eclipse happening at the same time as a supermoon in the month that the moon is known as a Wolf Moon, makes for this fascinating Super Wolf Blood Moon.
You won’t want to miss this beauty.
Read more about the upcoming Super Wolf Blood Moon here.